"This is good!"
The story is told of a king in Africa who
had a close friend with whom he grew
The friend had a habit of looking at
every situation that ever occurred
his life (positive or negative) and remarking,
"This is

One day the king and his friend were out
on a hunting expedition. The friend
would load and prepare the guns
for the king. The friend had apparently
something wrong in preparing
one of the guns, for after taking
the gun from
his friend, the king fired it
and his thumb was blown off.
Examining the situation the friend
remarked as usual,
"This is good!"

To which the king replied, "No,
this is NOT good!"
and proceeded to send his friend to jail.
About a year later, the king was hunting in an area
that he should have known to stay clear of.
Cannibals captured him and took
them to their village. They
tied his hands,
stacked some wood, set up a stake
and bound him to the stake.
If we love Him and live our lives
according to His precepts,
even that
which seems to be bleak and hopeless
will be turned by God for His
and our benefit.
Author Unknown ~~~