
All materials used to Inspire and are what we believe to be of public domain or are used with permission from the respective author. We use Fair Use provisions of the Copyright Law to use tiny portions of copyrighted works with proper acknowledgement of the original author, wherever it is known. Some of the stories have been sent to us by the original authors and are used with permission. Others, including Originals By Richie, are written by the webmaster.

Every effort is made to identify the original author and attribute appropriately. When this is not possible, "Author Unknown" is noted or no author is shown. The webmasters of The Lord's Word online do not claim any copyright for the stories or poems or any other written works in this archive except for the works we have written ourselves. however some material maybe copyright by others, whom we have received permission ,to use as noted.

If you find something here that is misquoted or attributed to the wrong author, or if you are an author or interested party of any of the written works displayed on this site and wish for it to be attributed appropriately or removed, please notify Lord's Word and it will be taken care of promptly. We will also gladly add links to the authors’ web sites, email address etc.

As for graphics, virtually all graphics are either created by the webmaster or are purchased for use on the web site. The graphics are not available for use elsewhere due to licensing agreements with Rich Hadley &The LORD'S WORD online and the respective graphics companies.