Leave your Burdens at the Riverside.....
is a place down by the Riverside
where I leave my burdens all behind....
for I listen attentively to a still voice
who gently whispers from the heavens......

to me you who are weary and burdened
and I will give you rest.......
Look at these scars on my hands and body
from thorns and nails embedded into my flesh....
this I undertook for you because I love you
with an everlasting and unfailing Love...

Hand over all your troubles and burdens to me....
Trust in me to handle them for you
Have Patience in me to carry your load......
for however heavy or light the burden is
I love you forever and have promised
to supply all your needs..............

I will never leave you nor forsake
I am always with you................
Leave all your burdens and troubles
down by the riverside...............
~~~Author Unknown~~~

Have a blessed

updated 7-19-05