This happened a
couple of years ago,
and is about the best Christmas gift,
I or anyone can ask for.

It was a true blessing, right from God,
people who know me, know that I
work at a "Rescue Mission".
Many do not know what a "Rescue Mission"
is or what they do for the community.
But to find out more check out the web site
at the end of this story.

A while back when I first started working
for the Springfield Rescue Mission, I had
the opportunity to deliver some Christmas
presents and food to a needy family in the
local area.
I do not know how or where the mission get
the names and addresses of those in need.
But this one Christmas, was about to be
one I will not forget for a long time.

I stopped at the address that was on the paper,
that contained the name and address of the people
that I was to deliver to, it wasn't a very nice
neighborhood, and the buildings were a little
ran down, and I guess the rent must be cheap.
I went up to the door and saw the persons name
written on tape on the door, I knocked ,
and a young tired looking lady came to the
and opened it after I told her I have some
thing for her. She looked at me and said
she was sorry, but she didn't ordered anything.
I looked at the paper in my hand and
asked if she was mrs. So So (no names),
She said "yes, but she did not ordered anything
because she had no money to buy anything."
She added "if your here to collect for anything,
could you come back after the Holydays."

I told her I wasn't there to collect anything
but to give her something, and asked her
if she had two children and I mentioned the ages
that were on the paper.
She yelled " OH NO are not going
to take my kids away from me.
I try to keep the house as clean as I can,
and the the kids eat meals regular.
even if we are having beans and
hot dogs for Christmas, they will be fed."

I told to her wait right there, as I could see she
kept the house clean , even the bare floors were
clean, and I didn't see any clitter from where I was.
I went to the van and brought in a big box
overflowing with Christmas gifts.
She bursted out crying and saying
Then she looked at me with tears in her
eyes, and said "I'm sorry, but you have to
bring them back, I can not afford them."
I told her they were already paid for and she
does not owe anyone, anything. Then returned
to the van for the food box that had a large
turkey sitting right on top.
As I appoached the door I could hear
her say to the kids" look honey, look sweety,
we are going
to eat!" followed by a loud

Then she looked at me again, and said in a quite voice,
" You have to take them back, I can not afford
this kind of stuff."
I said "Miss, you do not owe me or anyone
it is all paid for and it is yours and your childrens."
She asked"but who do I thank for this?"
I said " You have already thanked Him,
Didn't you say 'THANK YOU LORD'
a few times already?"
she replied "yes, I always thank the Lord,
but who do I thank for this?"
I told she already did and He heard her.

As I slowly drove back to the mission with
tears in my eyes for the joy that the Lord,
had just let me witness, and seeing just
how He uses just plain everyday people,
to carry out His divine plans.
This is one Christmas present I will keep
close to my heart for many more years.
a Rescue Mission near you,
and volunteer to serve the homeless,
the addicted, the lost, the needy,
and the least,
Matthew 25:40
And the King shall answer and
say unto them, Verily I say unto you,
Inasmuch as ye have done
one of the least of these my brethren,
ye have done it unto me.