Father, help me to bury and
forget all bitter and unkind
thoughts. Stay by my side and
guide me all this day. AMEN
A Point to ponder....
A hug is a perfect gift... one size fits all
and nobody minds if you give it back.

upon a pew I sat
And heard the
preacher ask,
"We need
someone to teach a class,
Now who will
take this task?"
Then God sat
down beside me there
And said,
"Son, that's for you."
But, Lord, to
stand before a class
is one thing I
can't do.

Now Rev. Forbes
would be the man to
call, There's
nothing he won't do.
I'd rather hear
the lesson
taught From here
upon my pew.
Once upon a pew
I sat
And heard the
preacher ask,
"We need
someone to lead the songs,
Now who will
take this task?"
Then God sat
down beside me there
And said,
"Son, that's for you."
But Lord, to
sing before a crowd
Is one thing I
can't do.
Now Brother
Jenkins will do the job,
There's nothing
he won't do.
I'd rather hear
the music played
From here upon
my pew.
Once upon a pew
I sat
And heard the
preacher ask,
"I need
some one to keep the door,
Now who will
take the task?"
Then God sat
down beside me there
And said,
"Son, that's for you."
Saying things to
strangers, Lord,
Is one thing I
can't do.
Now Brother Neal
can talk to people, Lord,
There's nothing
he won't do
I'd rather
someone come to me
And greet me on
the pew.
As years just
seemed to pass me by,
I heard that
voice no more.
Until one night
I closed my eyes
And woke on
heaven's shore.
There was four
of us together there
To face
God said,
"I need just three of you
To do a job for
Lord," I cried, "I'll do the job,
There's nothing
I won't do."
But Jesus said,
"I'm sorry, Friend,
In heaven there
is no pew."
Author unknown
Don't let me be a pew sitter,
Life without You, would be very bitter.
So please get me off that pew,
I don't want to push up daisies without YOU.