little Talk with JESUS....
little talk with Jesus-
How it smoothes the rugged road,
How it cheers and helps me onward
When I faint beneath my load.

When my heart is crushed with sorrow
and my eyes with tears are dim,
There is naught can yield me comfort
Like a little talk with Him.

I tell Him that I'm weary
And I fain would be at rest;
That I'm daily, hourly longing
For a home upon His breast.
And He answers me so gently
In sweet tones of tenderness love
"I am coming soon to take you
To My happy home above."

It is this that I am wanting;
Just His lovely
face to see,
And I'm not afraid to say it;
I do know He's wanting me.

Yes, He gave His life a ransom
Just to make me all His own
And He can't forget His promise
Made to me, His purchased one.
The way is often dreary
To that yonder far-off clime,
But a little talk with Jesus
Helps redeem the passing time

Yet the more I get to know Him
And His grace and love explore,
Only swells in me the longing
Just to know Him more and more

I cannot live without Him
And I would not if I could
For He is my daily portion,
living water, vital food.
He is altogether lovely-
No one can with Him compare
He's the chief among ten thousand
And the fairest of the fair.

Oh, I often feel impatient
And I mourn His long delay,
For I never can be settled
While He remains away.

So I wait a little longer
For His appointed time,
And I glory in the Knowledge
That such hope is ever mine
In my Father's perfect dwelling
Where the many mansions be
I will sweetly talk with Jesus
And He there will talk with me.

~~~ Author Unknown ~~~
 Thank You Pat for the use of your graphics,
please visit her!