If someone should hurt you
and say a thing unkind,
Remember what I write to you,
and keep these thoughts in mind.

For everyone that makes you cry,
there are three to make you smile,
And a smile will last for a long, long time,
but a tear just a little while.

Don't let someone who hates the world
cause you to hate it too,
Behind the clouds is a Golden sun,
and a sky that's full of Blue.

If someone said
If someone said a thing that's cruel,
don't let it get to you,
Your achievements are greatly numbered,
and your faults are very few.

So if a certain person should act a certain way,
Think of those who love you.
and don't let anyone spoil your day!

For My yoke is
easy, and My
burden is light. Matthew

Now unto Him that is able to keep you
from falling, and to present you
faultless before the presence of His glory with
exceeding joy. Jude

Dogs enjoy
cats just take their
What you do is up to you,
is it profitable to run?
or is taking
your time,
is what you need, make
the right choice, and remember
what you choose effects
not only you
but others you may love.