More Terrorists Found - Churches Beware!
A Late breaking news report.
An additional group of 10 terrorists have
been newly discovered, only this time,
operating out of the churches across America.
Identified by Christian security forces earlier
today, the following have been confirmed to be
secretly undermining the work of the gospel
in the United States.
They have been identified as:
Bin Lying,
Bin Sleeping,
Bin Arguing,
Bin Fighting,
Bin Complaining,
Bin Missing,
Bin Procrastinating,
Bin Backsliding,
and Bin non-tithing.
The ring leader is no other than Bin Lucifer,
who has trained these operatives very well.
They are out to destroy the body of Christ.

Their strategy is always the same:
covertly infiltrate the local churches
disguised as Christians, pretend to love
the Lord but secretly sow seeds of discord,
criticism, discouragement, doubt and
other sins among the congregation.

If any of these terrorists are seen
operating in your church, immediately
report them to your pastor and pray for revival.
From Bro. Luis J. Castillo,
Extreme Faith Ministries,